Hair loss can be a difficult period in a man or women’s life and the thought of losing your lovely locks can have a negative emotional effect. Sometimes the best way to cope with hair loss is to accept it and change your hair style, but some people just can’t do without their hair. You probably remember your dad and grandpa wearing those obnoxiously fake looking hair pieces and wigs.
Today, the technology has come a long way and you have plenty of options to help you keep that full head of hair. Whether your hair line is just starting to recede or you have lost all of the hair on your crown, there are both non-surgical and surgical procedures that can help you overcome hair loss.
Non-surgical hair replacement techniques
Although non-surgical methods are not able to re-grow lost hair, they can help reduce the visible baldness. There are two general non-surgical methods that are used today. First is a hair piece that either uses your hair, other human hair, or synthetic hair to create a wig that looks natural and fits into the balding area of your head. The second method is to use oral or topical drugs. Drugs may not be the all they are marketed to be, but they still can be effective for certain types of balding issues.
• Hair duplication process: The best way to match your hair style, color, and thickness is by using your own hair. The latest technology is capable of duplicating the hair from the back and sides of your head and then using that hair in a modern hair piece. Your hair will look natural and will seamlessly blend with the hair that is left on your head.
• Hair additions (Hair piece) – The wig or toupee has come a long way from the old uncomfortable and unrealistic pieces of the past. The technology for attaching both human and synthetic hair to a practically microscopic hair piece has allowed both men and women to live their lives without anyone noticing they have a hair piece in place. Quality hair pieces can be attached using either double-sided surgical tape or glue, and will look, feel, and function the exact same as your original hair. You can treat it the same every morning in the shower and be confident it won’t fall off during even the most active day.
Hair Loss Medicines for Men
• Minoxidil: The only FDA approved drug on the market. It can be taken orally or applied topically and works to increase the strength of your existing hair. Although some people have reported hair growth after using the drug, testing hasn’t proven that it is effective for re-growing hair, only increasing the thickness and what is left.
• Finasteride: This is another drug that is often available over-the-counter and has a large following of men that use it for hair strengthening and growth. While it may not be the best fit for everyone, some people can see great benefits from using this drug. It reverses the effects of balding by decreasing the DHT hormone. It is only an effective treatment for male patients.
Surgical hair replacement techniques elitist
If you are not happy with the way your hair is growing and a simple hair piece or hair strengthening drug doesn’t work for you, there are surgical options that can be considered. While almost everyone is eligible for a hair replacement surgery, there is one exception. The patient must have existing hair still remaining; either on the sides or back of their head. Hair replacement surgery is surprisingly low cost compared other options like taking drugs for the rest of your life. Surgery is quickly becoming one of the most popular options for dealing with balding in both men and women.
• Hair transplantation (hair replacement): With the latest technology available, hair transplantation has become safer and more popular than ever. The method takes hair follicles from areas of your scalp that still have strong hair growth and transplants them into the balding areas. This permanent procedure can give you back the full head of hear that you were looking for with just a few easy treatments. Your physician should be trained to give your hair a natural look that gives you back your hair but also takes into consideration a slight receding of the hair line that would occur naturally in all men.
• Scalp reduction (scalp stretching): This is an invasive procedure that removes the bald skin from the scalp and stretches the skin with hair over that area. Patients with large bald areas will not be able to use this method because it would require removing too much skin. But, if you are only experiencing slight balding, scalp reduction may be your best choice.